

PoliTO's Driverless Racing Team goes to Europe

Yesterday, thursday the 20th of July 2023, we have given to the guys of PoliTO Driverless Racing Team a nVIDIA and a Dell Tower, in the way to allow ...

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IRCCS unveils its new HPC cluster

On Thursday the 29th Do IT Systems joined SB Italia and the IRCCS team of the Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan for the unveiling of the new ...

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PoliTO's Racing Team unveils its new Formula Student car

On Thursday May the 22nd, at the beautiful Automobile Museum in Turin, PoliTO’s racing team has unveiled the car that will participate to the ...

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Do IT Now - New opening in Germany

 Do IT Systems (Italy) and HPCNow! (Spain), two of the leading high-performance computing (HPC) services companies operating in ...

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