Do IT Now - New opening in Germany
4 April 2023

Do IT Now, now also in Munich

 Do IT Systems (Italy) and HPCNow! (Spain), two of the leading high-performance computing (HPC) services companies operating in Europe are thrilled to unveil their latest venture, Munich-based, Do IT Now Germany. Do IT Now Germany is the second joint venture under the Do IT Now brand, following the very successful operation launched in 2020 in France. This joint endeavor will address the German market while unlocking growth potential in Northern Europe. Marco Merkel, an HPC / AI veteran, and well known as former ThinkParQ (the company behind BeeGFS Parallel File System) Vice President World Wide Sales and Consulting, has been appointed as the company CEO. Mr. Merkel’s extensive experience and strategic vision make him the perfect fit to lead Do IT Now Germany, helping clients succeed in HPC, AI and related sectors. “At Do IT Now, our mission is to empower businesses to fully harness their potential by delivering exceptional services and support,” said Mr. Merkel. “I am excited to join this innovative and progressive team, and I eagerly anticipate introducing our one-of-a-kind, dynamic approach to the industry in northern Europe.” With Mr. Merkel’s background and expertise, Do IT Now Germany is uniquely positioned for national and international growth in the HPC and AI sectors. Do IT Now’s existing European alliance primarily focuses on Italy, Spain, and France. The establishment of a strong presence in Germany, mainland Europe’s largest market, will propel the company to grow its presence in the big and challenging EMEA HPC market. The European HPC market expanded by 13.9% in 2021, with a blend of public and private funding in supercomputing projected to reach €7 billion by 2027.

Marco Merkel

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