IRCCS unveils its new HPC cluster
29 June 2023

Faster time to research for IRCCS

On Thursday the 29th Do IT Systems joined SB Italia and the IRCCS team of the Istituto Nazionale Tumori in Milan for the unveiling of the new IRCCS HPC cluster.
Along with SB Italia and with the institute's IT department, Do IT Systems worked for months to design the most suitable cluster for the Institute, both in terms of functionality and TCO.
After the unveiling will start the test phase of the project. Do IT Systems will assist IRCCS through all the aspects of the user experience, to put in condition IRCCS to get the most out of the new cluster as fast as possible.


The importance of HPC in the biomedical field


In Biomedical studies researchers manage large amount of data in parallel. This type of calculations can't run on everyday workstations and HPC compute power is needed to ensure fast execution times. Furthermore data utilised by the researchers are extremely sensitive and need to be protected from hacking attacks while preventing any possible data loss. The cluster designed for IRCCS allows for greater safety levels through multiple backup layers.
The new cluster will therefore allow IRCCS researchers to work faster in a data safe environment constituting a fundamental cornerstone for the success of their research.

About Istituto Nazionale Tumori - IRCCS

From 1928 until today, the IRCCS of the National Cancer Institute has been a protagonist of great clinical and health discoveries and is a point of reference in the field of oncological research. The institute carries out a public service characterized by high levels of diagnostic, therapeutic and research activities. It carries out programs and projects in every area and phase of oncology research run by multidisciplinary teams and coordinates a large number of national and international clinical trials. The IRCCS is therefore able to offer personalized and targeted screening, differential diagnosis, pharmacological therapy and surveillance programs. Additionally, it is also very active in secondary prevention, identifying prognostic-predictive profiles and optimising the use of new immunological drugs.

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